Fluffs Saddlery

Update & Conclusion

Our requests and efforts to resolve this have not been addressed or acknowledged!  My two letters to Fluffs Saddlery and its owner, Jessica Firth, formally notifying her of my termination of representation of her saddlery because of several breaches of contract on her part were returned to me. The first letter was sent to the address indicated on Fluffs Saddlery's invoice itself. The second was sent to an address Jessica Firth commonly mentioned in her Facebook posts. Both letters failed to reach their intended recipient, Jessica Firth.

Fluffs Saddlery's website does not disclose any business contact address (see https://fluffssaddlery.weebly.com/contact.html). This means that customers do not have a mean to get in touch with Fluffs Saddlery other than by email, Facebook comments and whatsapp messages which are usually ignored. It is impossible to send a formal notice to Jessica Firth and Fluffs Saddlery. To my understanding, this constitutes a violation of several consumer protection laws in countries where Fluffs Saddlery seeks to attract customers.

I therefore reiterate my recommendation not to purchase any item from Fluffs Saddlery.  

UPDATE: 3 December 24 - yesterday I was made aware that our contract with Fluffs Saddlery is no longer valid. We paid for a Fluff's Saddlery order in October 2023 and have been waiting for a warrantee replacement Fluffs saddle order since May '24. Until both of these issues are resolved we will not be able to offer Fluffs Saddles through our store.

This letter of termination is in response to the December 2 and 3 social media posts by Fluffs Saddlery and Jessica Firth about the termination of saddle fitters and representatives in the US previously working with Fluffs Saddlery. Fluffs Saddlery’s accusations of slander, stolen goods, etc. on those posts are to my knowledge totally unfounded. I know now for a fact that many have been affected by Fluffs Saddlery’s promises to deliver in the US customized quality saddles and other tacks made in Europe.

All requests and attempts to deliver this letter by email and mail have been refused therefore as of December 7th, posting this publicly to our website is our only current option. 
My termination letter only addresses my personal case and my pursuit for a refund of an unusable saddle that should have been replaced under warranty.

Fluffs Saddlery Notice
Fluffs Saddlery Notice
Fluffs Saddlery Notice
Fluffs Saddlery Notice

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